Covid-19 Update (December 2021)

The pandemic is still with us and there is much uncertainty regarding the significance of the emergence of the new Omicron variant. With this in mind, we would be grateful if our customers would take into account the following:

FACE MASKS: Norwich City Council regards the market as an “enclosed market” for the purpose of coronavirus legislation and as such FACE MASKS MUST BE WORN WHEN VISITING OUR STALL.

In addition, we would recommend that our customers have regard to the following best practice:

SOCIAL DISTANCING: we would be grateful if our customers would maintain a respectful distance from others when shopping with us. We have a small stall but a large stock in our storage unit and so will be restocking at regular intervals during the day. If the stall is busy when you visit, please come back a bit later. You won’t miss out on any of our fantastic bargains!

HAND HYGIENE: the market toilets with hand washing facilities are a short distance from our stall. We also have a supply of hand sanitisers on the stall so please ask if you would like some.

BROWSING: there is no credible evidence to suggest that Covid can be transmitted via clothing so feel free to browse though our rails. There are plenty of bargains to be had.

We have all been double vaccinated and boosted and would encourage all of our customers to be vaccinated at the earliest opportunity to help get us all back to normal.

Thank you for your understanding.