Collector's Fair - Sunday 28th April
We will be running our first “Collector’s Fair” at the Forum on Sunday 28th April.
There are three parts to the event:
- Exhibition of rare Norwich City matchworn shirts from the ‘70s to the present day. Billy Pointer will be exhibiting some of the gems from his massive collection of Norwich City shirts from the last 50 years.
- “Norwich City Antiques Roadshow” – members of the Norwich City FC Historical Trust will be available to provide details and approximate values for any Norwich City piece of memorabilia. Billy will provide the same for any Norwich City shirts.Bring along any interesting NCFC items that you may have to learn a bit about them.
- Memorabilia sale – There will be lots of shirts, photos, pictures and other pieces of NCFC memorabilia available to purchase. Many of them unique.
In addition, our shop will be open selling the usual range of NCFC related merchandise and the Community Sports Foundation will be present to provide details of their programmes and activities.
Attendance is free of charge and all proceeds will be donated to the CSF.
The ForumMillenium Plain