Our annual report 2022/23 “Our second year on the market” provides a review of the finances and the highlights of our second-year trading on Norwich market. Trading has been noticeably more challenging as the cost-of-living crisis has taken hold of the country. It has, however, been as rewarding as ever in other ways.
In November 2022 we purchased nearly £30,000 worth of stock, mainly youth shirts and training wear, from Norwich City FC. Whilst this reduced our ability to donate as much as we would have liked to the Community Sports Foundation this year, it has meant that we have a significant stock to enable us to continue to trade into year 3.
In addition to our usual business on Norwich market, we held a fund-raising day for the Royal British Legion on 11th November and had a stand at the Royal Norfolk Show. We also sponsored the first “On the Stall City Disability Football Festival” at the Community Sport Foundation’s facility “the Nest”.
Our Business Plan (July 2021) included a projection of £75,000 sales in the first three years resulting in a target donation of £50,000 to the Community Sports Foundation (CSF). We donated £15,000 to the CSF in our first year.
Our second years’ trading on the market resulted in total sales of £50,745 a total donation of £8,500 to the Community Sports Foundation and a total of £3,905.60 raised for the Norwich City Academy.
After two years trading, we have donated £23,500 to the CSF and raised £11,705.60 for the Norwich City Academy.
The full report can be found here: https://onthestallcity.com/annual-report